School Counselors
Meet Your School Counselors!

Ms. Bradbury
Counselor for PreK - 4th Grade, ext. 38611

Ms. Rozema
Counselor for 5th-8th Grade, ext. 38509
Our Role
Visit classrooms and conduct social emotional learning lessons.
Work with individuals and/or small groups of students to address a concern
Consult with teachers
Work with parents
Act as a liaison between school and home
Provide resource materials to students, teachers, and parents
Serve as an active member of the RTRI Team
Maintain school records
Schedule 8th grade students for their NVOT classes
Help organize and prepare for state testing
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For daily updates, keep up with the Counselors on Instagram: @hp_counselors
Child Mind Institute
This website serves as a great resource, as it explores many concerns and challenges that parents may face.Resource for Bereavement
Parenting Resource for helping children copeTalking to your kids about Divorce
Information on how to talk to your kids about divorce.Stop Bullying
All about bullyingLittle Parachutes
Online picture books to help children with life's challenges.PBSkids
PBS has a great interactive site for kids. Explore videos, advice, and play games. Topics include friends, family, school, body, emotions, and money.HelpOthers
Many ideas on how to do acts of kindness for the people around you.Deep Breathing Strategies
Feeling Stressed out?? Here are some deep breathing strategies to try at home.How Big is Your Worry?
If you are speaking with your child about some of their concerns or worries, here is a resource to help them explain how big their worries might be.