Health Office

Mary Goldstein, R.N., C.S.N.

Kim Boyle, R.N.
Office Contact Information:
201-768-5700 ext. 38612 or 38688
FAX: 201-768-1487
The nurses of Harrington Park School are dedicated to promoting optimal physical and emotional health for all students, their families and our community. Through our dedication to the practice of school nursing, our goal is to advance the well-being, academic success, and life-long achievement of our students. We are committed to high standards of excellence, professional ethics and personal integrity in all that we do. We maintain students' rights to privacy and confidentiality.
Per Harrington Park School policy, a child who shows signs of illness should be kept home both for his or her own protection and for the protection of those with whom he/she comes in contact.
Please keep your child home if your child has had any of the following symptoms:
Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
Fever and chills within the last 24 hours: children should be fever-free without Tylenol, Advil, etc. A temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher is considered a fever
Redness, swelling or discharge from eyes not caused by allergies
Positive culture for strep throat: student may return to school 24 hours after antibiotic therapy has begun and your child is feeling better
In order to safeguard your child's health, and the health of all children in our school, we ask that you follow these guidelines:
As required by New Jersey State Sanitary Code, Chapter 14: Updates and boosters are to be submitted to the health office.
Physical Examination
Required for Pre-K and Grades K - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 per district policy (but please feel free to submit physicals for children in any grade)
Height, weight, blood pressure, scoliosis, hearing, and vision as per state and district guidelines.
Medication at School
Any medication must be kept in the health office. If your child requires medication of any kind including over-the-counter during school hours, the medication administration form must be completed by the parent and physician. This must be renewed each school year. Printed forms are in the nurses' office, or click here:
Medication Administration Form
Communicable Diseases
Communicable diseases such as strep throat, pink eye, influenza, chicken pox, and coxsackie are to be reported to the school nurse immediately upon diagnosis.
Head Lice
Parents of students found to have live head lice during school hours will be contacted. Students may return to school after appropriate treatment has begun. If you find or suspect your child has lice, please notify the health office.
Lyme Disease
Please inform the nurses if your child has a confirmed diagnosis.
Click on the link below for information regarding Lyme disease, which is more prevalent in our area/East Coast than in other parts of the country.
Information about Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) from the CDC
A healthy parent is more likely to have a healthy child, so take time to take good care of yourself as well.
Thank you for your cooperation!
~Kim and Mary
Important Forms for Parents
6 - 8th Grade Physical (for students NOT participating in school sports)
* Please print out and have your child's healthcare provider complete, then email it to the nurses at