Dear HP Families,
With the colder weather and more drivers on the road, it is essential to review our drop-off and dismissal practices. Families should review the below protocols and please share with caregivers that may be helping with childcare.
The school has developed a traffic plan that is designed to ease congestion and provide for the safety of all members of the school community. All drivers must observe these rules to ensure the safety of our children. One individual dropping off a child in an undesignated location can significantly back up the flow of cars and place children in areas where they should not be walking. It is critical that you drive safely when driving at or around the school. The rules below must be followed at all times:
Morning Drop Off
-For both the front “Kiss and Go” and Lynn Street drop-off, parents are asked to please have their child(ren) ready to exit the vehicle before pulling up to the drop-off line. Adults must remain in their cars at all times. Adults are also reminded that students should be exiting the vehicle on the side that faces the sidewalk for safety, and they should not be exiting the vehicle into the traffic lane.
-Double parking in the “Kiss and Go” is not allowed as it blocks the flow of traffic through this area. On Lynn Street, please use caution entering and exiting the drop-off area. It is safest for all to enter and leave this drop-off area via a single file car line.
Afternoon Dismissal
-For dismissal, parents cannot leave vehicles unattended or double-parked in the “Kiss and Go” in the front of the school or on Lynn Street. This causes unnecessary congestion and becomes a safety concern.
-Double parking in the “Kiss and Go” is not allowed as it blocks the flow of traffic through this area.
Please be reminded of the following:
-Per the direction of the Harrington Park Police Department, no left turns can be made into Harriot Avenue or Lynn Street during the school day.
- Visitor parking is permitted on the inner part of the circle, across from the Kiss and Go.
-All numbers spots are assigned for staff parking. There are a limited number of visitor parking spaces, which are found on the East Side of the front traffic circle.
-Parking, standing, or discharging of students is not permitted in any area designated as a fire zone.
-Please be courteous and patient on the car line on Hackensack Avenue. Only drop- off and pick-up children at the curb. Double parking/standing is not permitted.
-Making a U-Turn and parking on Downing Place is not permitted.
-Carpooling is encouraged whenever possible. Many families found success parking on Spring Street and Parkway and walking to school.
These rules are designed to keep the flow of traffic moving and keep students and staff safe. Your cooperation will play a significant role in the success of this plan and will be most appreciated.