The HP Wrap Up - January 31,, 2025

HP Community,

As we wrap up this week at HP, our Girls Basketball Team will play on Monday 2/3 at NVOT High School in the Championship against Old Tappan at5:15pm! Please come out to support the girls! Monday will be a special HP Blue & White Spirit Day!

Wishing families celebrating a Happy Lunar New Year.

SAVE THE DATE - Annual 8th Grade Have a Heart Fundraiser. Students will play staff in Volleyball on Thursday, February 13th after school to raise money for the American Heart Association. Tickets are $3 at the door OR can be purchased during lunch in the APR on February 3rd - 13th.

Our annual 100th Day of School Food Drive is underway! Please see the below flyer with the needed items. Thank you to the PreK-5 students and families that participated in the Green Club Barter Day making it a huge success.

As a reminder for students in grades PreK-6, Wednesday, February 5th is Global Play Day. Information was sent home this week and students are encouraged to bring in a non-electronic game or toy to share and play with classmates.

Last evening we hosted a PreK-2 Literacy Night. We had a tremendous turnout with over 50 families who came to share in some stories, crafts, giveaways and milk and cookies! Thank you to the HPEA for their generous support.

Congratulations to 8th grader Kayla Lee who received the Silver Key from Scholastic Art & Writing Awards for her artwork!

The Kind Kids Club is halfway to our goal of collecting 100 pairs of pajamas for the Jar Project! Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far—let’s keep the momentum going and make a difference together! We will be collecting until February 11. Check out this video to learn more about the Jar Project: JAR Project

HSA Spring Gala Centennial Ball Wednesday, March 26th- All proceeds from this event and all fundraising directly benefit the Harrington Park School. Purchase tickets at - Please see the special student Gala Art Contest below!

In sports news, the Girls Basketball Team defeated Norwood on Tuesday in the second round of playoffs 50 to 34. Paige Palmer led the Spartans with 23 points, Quinn Hutchinson had 5, La' Ajah Grayson, Sammy Finer, and Eden Canarick had 4, Kami Bird and Ayzah Malik scored 3, and Sophie Donnelly and Tierney Waldron had 2.

The Boys Basketball Team lost a close game on Monday against Closter in the first round of the league playoffs. The loss marked the end of the season for the boys who showed great sportsmanship and effort throughout the season and had fun each and every time they took the court. The boys were always coachable and eager to learn. HP would like to thank the team for all their hard work this season especially our 8th grade team members Sean Blanchard, Luke Pavone, Luke Zechardi, David Joo, Liam Donnelly and Andre Robinson. We hope to see you all continue to play and improve as a team and as individual players.

Have a great weekend HP.

Jessica Nitzberg


February Happenings

  • Wednesday, February 5th - PreK-5 Global Day of Play

  • Friday, February 7th - 6th Grade Social 7pm.

  • Monday, February 10th - BOE Meeting 6:00pm APR

  • Wednesday, February 12th - 100th DAY of School!

  • Thursday, February 13th - PROJECT PRIDE HAVE A HEART EVENT

  • Winter Break School Closed February 17th-21st

  • Friday, February 28th - Blue & White Spirit Day & Book Bonanza

Weekly Flyers:

HP 100th Day of School Food Drive

HP Food Drive

HSA Gala Art Contest

HSA Gala Art Contest

Community News:

Softball, Baseball & T-Ball Registration


Registration is now open for Camp Innovation Summer 2025! Camp Innovation will be running again this summer from June 30-August 1 at Harrington Park School. The camp will run from 12:30-3pm unless you choose the lunch option with pickup from NVCamp. Further information and registration forms can be found on our website ( Space is limited and will be accommodated on a first come first serve basis. Please register today to secure your spot! Any questions, please email us at Register today!