HP Community,
As we wrap up this week at HP, a huge congratulations to our Girls Basketball Team. They defeated Old Tappan in the Championship Game on Monday night. Led by Ms. Paternostro, the girls had an amazing season!
The HP Junior Woman's Club hosted the annual 4th & 5th grade Spelling Bee on January 27th. We had a great turnout and the winners were:
-1st Place - Hudson Hahn
-2nd Place- Ian Kim
-3rd Place - Leo Song
Reminder Monday, February 10th is a special SCHOOL WIDE PAJAMA DAY FOR STUDENTS AND STAFF!
Lunch ordering for March AND April is now open at www.myfooddays.com. Ordering will close on Friday, February 21st. You must complete and pay for your order by 6 pm on February 21st, or your order will be cancelled – no exceptions!
In Debate news, the team competed at BCA, the HP team continued to shine. Congratulations to Yuna Ong, Sophia Swat, Irene Kang, Kelly Bae, Brandon Sim, and Dylan Song for winning both of their debates. Congratulations also goes out to Anna George, Arnini Keshwani, Sophia Lee, and Joy Kim for adding additional wins for HP.
On Wednesday, 4th graders traveled to Lincoln Center. Led by Ms. Park students had to the opportunity to take part in an interactive concert
SAVE THE DATE - 8th Graders will be teaming up with the American Heart Association to host a Have-A-Heart Event on Thursday, February 13th from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. in the HP Gym. This annual event will include our 8th graders playing volleyball against our HP Staff! Tickets will be $3.00 at the door OR students can purchase tickets at lunch leading up to the event. PreK-7th grade students and families can support our 8th graders by attending the event and decorating the attached heart by cutting it out and sending it back with $1.
HP Student Council is continuing the tradition of selling "Heart Grams" this year to raise money for the American Heart Association. Students and parents can purchase 1 “Heart Gram” for a donation of $1 and can send it to any student in any grade level. Each heart gram message will include a message and a small Valentine’s surprise! Fill out the purchase form and send your cash donation $ in an envelope titled "Student Council Heart Gram Sale" and the student’s name. OR Donate directly HERE - *Deadline to complete this form is Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 by 3:15 PM. Questions? Email studentcouncil@hpsd.org.
Our annual 100th Day of School Food Drive is collecting until Thursday, February 13th. Please see the below flyer with the needed items.
Thank you to everyone who donated pajamas for The JAR Project Pajama Drive. The drive ends on Tuesday, February 11th. Way to Go HP for your kindness and generosity! We are in need of help to package the over 150 pajamas so far donated next week. When: Tuesday, February 11th at 8:05 (Grade 2 Kind Kids) & Wednesday, February 12th (Grade 3 Kind Kids)
Thank you to our Guidance Counselors for hosting Global Play Day this past Wednesday! Global Play Day is a national initiative that supports free play. Students enjoyed bringing in favorite games and toys from home to share with their classmates.
HSA Spring Gala Centennial Ball Wednesday, March 26th- All proceeds from this event and all fundraising directly benefit the Harrington Park School. Purchase tickets at www.hphsa.net - The winner of the Art Contest was 7th graders Noah Ahn, way to go Noah and kudos to all of the students that participated in the contest.
Have a great weekend HP, enjoy the Big Game if you are watching!
Jessia Nitzberg
February Happenings:
-Friday, February 7th - 6th Grade Social 7pm
- Monday, February 10th - BOE Meeting 6:00pm APR
-Thursday, February 13th - 100th DAY of School!
-Thursday, February 13th - PROJECT PRIDE HAVE-A-HEART EVENT
-Winter Break School Closed February 17th-21st
-Friday, February 28th - Blue & White Spirit Day & Book Bonanza
-March 3rd-7th Read Across America Week - Details to Follow
-March 6th - 6:00pm Kindergarten Orientation for incoming students fall of 2025
Weekly Flyers:
HP 100th Day of School Food Drive
Have a Heart Template
Community News:
Registration is now open for Camp Innovation Summer 2025! Camp Innovation will be running again this summer from June 30-August 1 at Harrington Park School. The camp will run from 12:30-3pm unless you choose the lunch option with pickup from NVCamp. Further information and registration forms can be found on our website (www.campinnovationnj.com). Space is limited and will be accommodated on a first come first serve basis. Please register today to secure your spot! Any questions, please email us at CampInnovationNJ@gmail.com. Register today!
Please see the below Baseball-Softball-T Ball Registration