HP Community,
As a reminder, school is closed next for Winter Recess!
Yesterday, the 8th graders hosted the annual Have-A-Heart event to raise money for the AHA - American Heart Association. Thank you to all of the students and parents who came out to join us and support our Project Pride efforts. After three staff vs. 8th grade games of Volleyball, the victorious winners were the teachers. The event raised a whopping $1,732!! Thank you, HP.
As we wrap up this week at HP, Lunch ordering for March AND April is open at www.myfooddays.com. Ordering will close on Friday, February 21st. You must complete and pay for your order by 6 pm on February 21st, or your order will be cancelled – no exceptions!
Across grade levels, we continue to honor and celebrate Black History Month through a variety of lessons and projects. Below is a snapshot of some work to date and some posts have been shared on our IG story.
-Read-Alouds and individual biography research projects on notable Black Americans
-Continued lessons on Diversity and Tolerance from our guidance counselors
-Specialists have been highlighting artists, musicians, inventors and athletes regarding their contribution to those areas and their impact as Americans
Our 100th Day of School Food Drive was a huge success, thank you HP!
The Kind Kids Club is thrilled to announce that The JAR Project Pajama Dive was a huge success. The Kind Kids Club helped to package over 220 sets of pajamas, get well cards and little teddy bears this week. The packages were dropped off to the hospital and will be distributed to the kids on Valentine's Day. Thank you to The Harrington Park Community for your donations and support!
HSA Spring Gala Centennial Ball Wednesday, March 26th- Purchase tickets at www.hphsa.net - You don't want to miss this special event!
Have a great week off HP.
Jessica Nitzberg
February & March Happenings:
Winter Break School Closed February 17th - 21st
Friday, February 28th - Blue & White Spirit Day & Book Bonanza
March 3rd - 7th Read Across America Week - Theme Details to Follow
March 6th - 6:00 pm Kindergarten Orientation for incoming fall of 2025
March 11th - 1:30pm HSA Meeting at Town Library
March 12th - Save the Date for INHABIT Breathing Parent Zoom Session
Friday, March 14th - Trimester 2 Report Cards Available Online K-8
Monday, March 17th - BOE Meeting - APR
Thursday, March 20th - K-4 ONLY Minimum Session Day - K-4 As needed Conferences
Friday, March 21st - 7th Grade Coffee House
Monday, March 24th - All students Minimum Session Day 12:45pm Dismissal- STAFF PD
Wednesday, March 26th - HSA Centennial Ball - Seasons Westwood
Friday, March 28th Blue & White Spirit Day
Sunday, March 30th - HSA Spring Enrichment Registration Opens
Monday, March 31st - BOE Meeting 6:00 pm APR
Community News:
Registration is now open for Camp Innovation Summer 2025! Camp Innovation will be running again this summer from June 30-August 1 at Harrington Park School. The camp will run from 12:30-3pm unless you choose the lunch option with pickup from NVCamp. Further information and registration forms can be found on our website (www.campinnovationnj.com). Space is limited and will be accommodated on a first come first serve basis. Please register today to secure your spot! Any questions, please email us at CampInnovationNJ@gmail.com. Register today!
Baseball-Softball-T Ball Registration