HP Community,
As we wrap up this week, we closed out Read Across America. The week was filled with read-alouds, themed days and cross-grade-level activities. Today, students participated in a “Reading Reunion” where they visited a past teacher! Thank you to Ms. McHale and the teachers for all of their coordination efforts.
Middle school social studies has been studying the Holocaust, which teaches us how individual and collective choices shape history. Students learn that moral courage matters—some resisted, spoke out, and helped others despite great risks, while others didn’t. The Holocaust is a tragic reminder of what happens when hate and unchecked power go unchallenged. By understating history students recognize our responsibility to stand up for human rights and think critically. This week students spent time in the big gym building a timeline of events.
On Monday and Tuesday, Sean Pritchard from INHABIT was back at HP working with all staff and students PreK-8 on targeted breathing exercises. Attention, all parents! Please see the below flyer for the second Parent Information Session hosted by INHABIT on Wednesday, March 12th at 7:00pm via Zoom. We kindly ask parents to RSVP in the Google Form HERE
Last night, we hosted our Kindergarten Parent Orientation for students entering HP in the fall of 2025! Led by administration, guidance and our amazing teachers, incoming parents were provided with an overview of the Kindergarten experience at HP!
Three of our band students -Taejoon Shin, Aaron Choi, and Alicia Park - successfully auditioned into the NJSMA Region Honor Band. This is a spectacular achievement, as these students were competing against 7-9th grades from all over North Jersey. Aaron Choi also earned first chair in the Region Concert Band. These students will perform with the North Jersey Region Band this Sunday, March 9th at 3pm at Randolph Highschool.
The Debate Team finished their season yesterday with a strong showing in Cresskill. We want to congratulate all twelve partnerships participating in the Debate Club this year. From researching a complex topic, working cooperatively with a partner, preparing a well-written argument, developing strong public speaking skills, and thinking on their feet when they had to debate the negative side, each and every debater made us incredibly proud. Great job, HP Debaters!
HSA Spring Gala Centennial Ball Wednesday, March 26th- Purchase tickets at www.hphsa.net - You don't want to miss this special event!
Have a great weekend HP!
Jessica Nitzberg
March Happenings
March 11th - 1:30pm HSA Meeting at Town Library
March 12th - INHABIT Parent Zoom Session 7:00pm - RSVP ABOVE!
Friday, March 14th - Trimester 2 Report Cards Available Online K-8
Monday, March 17th - BOE Meeting 6:00 p.m. - APR
Thursday, March 20th - K-4 ONLY Minimum Session Day - K-4 As needed Conferences
Friday, March 21st - 7th Grade Coffee House
Monday, March 24th - ALL students Minimum Session 12:45 pm Dismissal- STAFF PD
Wednesday, March 26th - HSA Centennial Ball
Friday, March 28th - Blue & White Spirit Day
Sunday, March 30th - HSA Spring Enrichment Registration Opens
Monday, March 31st - BOE Meeting 6:00 pm APR
Weekly Flyers:
INHABIT Parent Information Session
Community News:
Registration is now open for Camp Innovation Summer 2025! Camp Innovation will be running again this summer from June 30-August 1 at Harrington Park School. The camp will run from 12:30-3pm unless you choose the lunch option with pickup from NVCamp. Further information and registration forms can be found on our website (www.campinnovationnj.com). Space is limited and will be accommodated on a first come first serve basis. Please register today to secure your spot! Any questions, please email us at CampInnovationNJ@gmail.com. Register today!
Please see the below NVCC Soccer Information.