HP PreK-5 #GlobalDayofPlay 🤸‍♀️🤸🤸‍♂️ Big thanks to our Guidance Counselors and our amazing staff for embracing this! #hp #weare
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Photos of students playing different board games
Excited about today's winter weather, Kindergarten students are practicing letter recognition while forming snow-related words. ☃️ #hp #weare
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Kindergarten students practicing letter recognition while sitting on green floor chairs and having wooden desks that sit just over their legs
7th graders in Mrs. Comstock's class learned about International Holocaust Remembrance Day by speaking with a survivor named Pinchas Gutters through The Shoah Foundation's Dimensions in Testimony. This website enables students to ask questions that prompt real-time responses in pre-recorded videos from survivors of the Holocaust. Students can have conversational interactions with these eyewitnesses to history. This inquiry based learning increases engagement with the material, deepens students' understanding of topics, and allows students to take ownership of their learning.
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Top: Ms. Comstocks class posing for a photo standing in front of the smartboard Bottom: And AI version of a Holocaust survivor that will answer questions that you ask it.
Sixth Grade working with Snap Circuits. #hp #weare
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Sixth Grade student working with snap circuts on a table in the computer lab.
Our students are so excited that the HSA is bringing Jerry Pallotta to HP this February! 5th Graders in Ms. Paternostro’s class made these incredible images displayed outside the Library.📚 #hp #weare
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Student made "Who would win?" art pieces of different animals with blurbs about the abilities of the animals . Inspired by Jerry Pallotta
Kindergartners working on measurement in math- using a balances to weigh classroom supplies to see which is heavier or lighter. #hp
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Kindergaten math students using balances to see which classroom supplies are heavier
8th grade analyzing the effect of mass and force on acceleration. #hp #weare
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
8th grade students wearing roller skates and a helmet to analyze the effect of mass and force on acceleration
Mr. D’s math classes were busy taking their knowledge of equations to create a calendar, representing the days of the months left in the school year! #hp
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Top: 4 students holding a calendar Bottom: 4 calendars overlapping
7th & 8th graders did an amazing job creating group stories in Spanish. After all of their hard work, they were able to enjoy each other's final creations. ¡Buen trabajo! #hp
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Students created group stories and writing them on large yellow paper then putting them up on the wall inSpanish class
Our Principal for the Day, Eriella Ruberte, went to visit our Kindergarten classes and read them a book!! 📚#hp
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Student in a wooden chair reading a picture book to younger students who are sitting on the floor
Marc Gussen from the Closter Nature Center visiting a Kindergarten class to talk about pond life. Thank you to the HSA for their generous support of this program! #hp #HSA
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Mr. Mark speaking to students about pond life
3rd grade read about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and discussed equality and peaceful marches. Then, students created their our own signs for equality. #hp
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
3rdGrade students holding signs they made to show peace and equality
First Graders learn about MLK Jr. and his message through these creative projects. #hp #weare
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Student art made for MLK Jr. Day
Student art made for MLK Jr. Day
Student art made for MLK Jr. Day
Ms. Park and the Upper Chorus performing at an evening concert at NVOT as part of their Choral Extravaganza. Great job HP! 🎶 #hp #HpSpartansWill
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Upper Chorus students on stage performing at NVOT school. There is a conductor in front of the students and a piano with a pianist.
Meet Eriella - HP's Librarian for the Day! She has been busy reading to students, checking in and and out books, and teaching about turtles. Eriella is a natural Librarian! Thank you to the HSA for sponsoring this auction.
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Left: Student smiling as she is the librarian for a day Top Right: Student sitting in red rocking chair reading a book Bottom Right: Student scanning in a returned book
4th Graders learned about Martin Luther King Jr. in Social Studies through video and text. Students came up with their own "I Have a Dream" thought for the world and are now displayed in the 4th Grade hallway! #hp #MLKDay
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Student Projects featuring a photo of themselves with a thought bubble that says" I have a dream that... " and the students finish it off with their own writing
More of Student Projects featuring a photo of themselves with a thought bubble that says" I have a dream that... " and the students finish it off with their own writing
more of Student Projects featuring a photo of themselves with a thought bubble that says" I have a dream that... " and the students finish it off with their own writing
Big dreams in Ms. Fottrell's Kindergarten Class! #hp #weare
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Students holding their projects that say"I have a dream too!" with their own dream written underneath. The projects also have a picture of MLK Jr and a white bird made out of paper with wings made from paper plates
8th grade braving the cold while measuring and graphing rate of speed in different units of measure #hp
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
8thGrade students on the basketball court outside timing themselves to understand speed and acceleration for science class
Check out the vestibule’s new seasonal look courtesy of our 3rd graders’ poinsettias. After learning about complementary colors, they swapped out the traditional red and green colorway for blue and orange! Kindergartners added to the décor with their nocturnal winter landscapes featuring owls atop birch trees under a cold moon…brrrrr
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
Student made are of Poinsettas. Flowers are while and blue and the backgrounds are orange.
5th grade LA students are working hard on their Three Little Pigs literary essay rough drafts. #hp #HpSpartansWill
almost 2 years ago, Harrington Park School
5thGrade Language arts students working on the floor and on chairs.